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RFCs: two proposals for change

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Nathan Torkington
August 3, 2000 12:13
RFCs: two proposals for change
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We have two suggestions on the table:
 1) Rename RFCs to PCRs. (Perl Change Requests).
 2) Add a Status: metainfo field.

I don't want votes on them yet, I want to make sure they're viable
and sensible changes.  My thoughts:

 1) I'm loathe to make unnecessary changes.  RFCs are requests for
    comment.  I understand the confusion between the Internet RFCs
    which are nominally standards, but these are Perl RFCs not
    Internet RFCs.  Is this really such a big deal that we need to
    invalidate everything we've already written that mentions "RFC"?

 2) Who is going to decide the status?  I picture a working group
    chair saying "ok, time to nail this RFC down" and handing it
    off to a working group.  When they return, is that the end of it?
    I don't want, and I guess nobody wants, indefinite ongoing
    blather about a topic.



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