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Seeking ways to put order to the Perl date chaos

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Antonios Christofides
February 28, 2002 13:44
Seeking ways to put order to the Perl date chaos
Message ID:
Hi everyone.

I read a part of the archive of this list sometime ago, having reached
this list after desperately searching for a decent date module and
writing to Usenet as well. IIRC the founders of this list have said
that the list aims, among other things, in putting order to the Perl
date chaos.

We agree in that there is chaos. I don't know yet if we disagree in
something, but I don't recall seeing a proposal on how to tackle this
chaos. There's the reefknot project, but that doesn't seem to be
anything more in that direction than an attempt to construct some
foundation modules. IMHO it doesn't matter if Date::ICal or whatever
is good; it might be the world's best date manipulation software. At
the point we've reached, with innumerable independent Perl date
modules, we need to ensure that whatever work we do will not be
classified as just "yet another module".

The only way I've thought of getting out of this is to try to contact
as many date modules authors as possible and get some consensus on a
basic design, work altogether on that, and have the authors deprecate
their own original modules. I don't know if this is feasible, or even
if it is desirable (personally I desire it).

Whether that's the way out of it or not, my question is: are we doing
anything besides writing code? Are there any thoughts or ideas on how
we'll get to this one or two basic foundation modules?

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