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POD for proposed dbi_prof script

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Sam Tregar
October 5, 2002 22:01
POD for proposed dbi_prof script
Message ID:
Here is the POD for the proposed dbi_prof script.  I've put off
designing the interface for DBI::ProfileData for the moment.  It should be
easier to accomplish once the desired functionality in dbi_prof is decided


=head1 NAME

dbi_prof - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData


See a report of the ten queries with the longest total runtime:


See the top 10 most frequently run queries in the profile file

  dbi_prof --sort count

See the same report with 15 entries:

  dbi_prof --sort count --number 15


This tool is a command-line client for the DBI::ProfileData.  It
allows you to analyze the profile data file produced by
DBI::ProfileDumper and produce various useful reports.

Throughout this documentation I will refer to individual points in the
profile data as "queries".  This is accurate if you used the
DBI::Profile Path argument of C<2> or C<[ DBIprofile_Statement ]>.
Since this is the most common usage I chose to phrase the
documentation in terms of "queries" rather than resort to vague talk
of "data points" or "leaves".

=head1 OPTIONS

This program accepts the following options:

=over 4

=item --file

Load this profile file.  Defaults to in the current

=item --number N

Produce this many items in the report.  Defaults to 10.  If set to
"all" then all results are shown.

=item --sort field

Sort results by the given field.  The available sort fields are:

=over 4

=item total

Sorts by total time run time across all runs.  This is the default

=item longest

Sorts by the longest single run.

=item count

Sorts by total number of runs.

=item first

Sorts by the time taken in the first run.

=item shortest

Sorts by the shortest single run.

=item alpha

Sorts alphabetically.


=item --reverse

Reverses the selected sort.  For example, to see a report of the
shortest overall time:

  dbi_prof --sort total --reverse

=item --select keyN=value

Consider only items with the specified key matching the given value.
Keys are numbered from 1.  For example, let's say you used a
DBI::Profile Path of:

  [ DBIprofile_Statement, DBIprofile_Methodname ]

And called dbi_prof as in:

  dbi_prof --select key2=execute

Your report would only include execute queries, leaving out prepares,
fetches, etc.

Multiple C<--select> options can be specified as long as each refers to a
separate key.  By default the select expression is matched
case-insensitively, but this can be changed with the --case-sensitive

=item --match keyN=regex

Consider only items for which the given key matches the regular
expression.  For example, to only include SELECT queries where key1 is
the statement:

  dbi_prof --match key1='^SELECT'

Multiple C<--match> options can be specified, including multiple matches
for a single key.  By default the match expression is matched
case-insensitively, but this can be changed with the --case-sensitive

=item --case-sensitive

Using this option causes --match and --select to work case-sensitively.
Defaults to off.

=item --version

Print dbi_prof version number.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<DBI::Profile|DBI::Profile>, L<DBI|DBI>.


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