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Checking for the existence of a certain row.

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James Kufrovich
July 6, 2001 14:09
Checking for the existence of a certain row.
Message ID:

	I'd like to check for the existence of data in a row of a database
(MySQL), if given the value of a primary key.  ("Is there already a row in
the database that has this value as a key?") I don't care what data is in
the row, or if more than one row (!!) is found.  I'd hope that whatever
method I use will stop searching the database after it finds the first

	What would be the best way to go about this? Is there a special
method that can do this, or would I have to use selectrow_array (or
fetchrow_array or one of those) and then see if it finds anything?  I
suppose I can call 'finish' as soon as a match is found, if the method (or
whatever) doesn't stop by itself.  I'd appreciate any tips. Thanks.

Jamie Kufrovich 

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