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Regex puzzle

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Robin Houston
January 19, 2002 06:52
Regex puzzle
Message ID:
Consider this subroutine:

sub shrinkable ($) {
    my $str = shift;
    for my $i (1..length($str)) {
        return 1 if substr($str, $i) . substr($str, 0, $i) lt $str;
    return 0;

So "foo" is not shrinkable, "bar" is shrinkable and so on.
Intuitively, a string is shrinkable iff it can be split into
two pieces $A.$B so that ("$B$A" lt "$A$B"). "bar" is shrinkable
because you can split it into b,ar and ("arb" lt "bar").

Can you write a regex which matches only shrinkable strings?
No, you're not allowed to use embedded code constructs ;-)

You may find it easier to write a bit of code which constructs
such a regex -- that's fine.

(I'll post my solution in a few days in the unlikely event that none
of you has bettered it by then. It's a fun problem.)


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