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intro: Orchard and Mostly-C

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Ken MacLeod
March 2, 2001 11:19
intro: Orchard and Mostly-C
Message ID:
Hi folks, I'm working on a preprocessed-C-based extension language
called Mostly-C, as part of the Orchard processing library[1].  It's
similar to SWIG except that it's intended for writing *new* C code
instead of wrapping existing C code.  Mostly-C uses a transparent
bridge (or binding) between Perl and Mostly-C, so there's no XS coding
involved, just MoC's own wierd syntax.

Mostly-C uses garbage collection, attribute syntax, and object methods
to make writing extensions much easier.  Porting Matt Sergeant's
XML::XPath::Step module[2] into Mostly-C is an excellent example of
what the code looks like.  There's also a quick summary to the
preprocessor syntax[3].  I'm hoping there can be a better preprocessor
someday when we can implement a real parser (rather than just

I'm writing this intro now because my schedule doesn't have an
Inline::Mostly-C in it for likely a couple of months because of my
existing schedule, I'm just starting into a new job, and moving out of
state.  I'm hoping someone can pick up Inline::Mostly-C and run with
it.  I will be able to support anyone who wants to work on it.

Email me if you'd be interested.  Thanks,

  -- Ken

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

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