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Inline - The Book

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Brian Ingerson
September 25, 2002 15:12
Inline - The Book
Message ID:
Cheers all,

I'm about to embark, once again, on writing a book for our favorite
publisher about the glories of Inline. I feel like the best place to
start is right here on the Inline mailing list. I need to submit an
outline of the book's content. I would be very grateful for your
collective input. I hope to make the book as useful as possible. What
would you like me to write about?

Here's my current plan (in machine parsable YAML, of course). Please
feel free to make suggestions of any kind. Did I miss anything major?
Are some things not bookworthy? Is the order of topics suboptimal?
Please let me know.

   - Foreward: Hopefully by Damian Conway
   - Preface:
     - The History of Inline
     - The Inline Vision: >
         Talk about how Inline is not only self-perpetuating within Perl, but
         is becoming the extension methodology of other languages like
         Python, Ruby and Tcl.
     - The Inline Community
     - Inline Resources
     - Standard Publisher Info
   - Chapters:
     - Introducing Inline:  # Chapter 1
         - Inline in the abstract sense: 
           - Writing Perl subroutines in other languages
           - Generating glue code from context
           - Hiding the details
         - Show examples of "Hello World" type programs in various
           programming languages.
         - The Advantages of Inline:
           - Speedy Subroutines
           - Ease of Use
           - Exposing the Source
           - Profiling and Refactoring
         - Installation Issues
     - The Gory Details:
         - How Inline Works
         - Syntax and Usage
         - Configuration Parameters
         - The Build/Cache Directory
         - Command Line Options
         - Debugging
     - Inline::C:
         - Getting to C and Back
         - Passing Parameters
         - The Inline Call Macros
         - Returning Lists
         - The bind() function (evaling C)
         - CGI and mod_perl Issues
     - Perl Internals:
         - SVs
         - The Perl Stack
         - Perl5 API Basics
         - Typemaps
         - Mortality and Ref-counts
         - AVs, HVs, CVs and GVs
         - Inline::C examples exposing internals
     - Advanced Inline::C:
         - Inline::Structs
         - Calling Back Into Perl
         - Prototyping
         - Binding External libraries
         - Complex Build Environments
     - Writing Extension Modules for CPAN:
         - (a full example)
         - Inline::MakeMaker
         - Packaging Issues
         - Supporting Older Perls
     - Inline::C++:
         - Major content by Neil Watkiss
         - ??? Neil?
         - CPP Module issues
     - Inline::Java:
         - Major content by Patrick LeBoutillier
         - ??? Patrick?
         - JNI
     - Developing an ILSM (Inline Language Support Module):
         - The Other Inline Modules: [ Python, Ruby, Tcl, 
             Guile, Octave, Assembler, Basic, Befunge, 
             Awk, TT, WebChat, CPR, Foo ]
         - The Inline API
         - Compiled vs Interpreted  
         - Runtime Conversion Components
         - Working with the Inline Community
    - Appendices:
      - The Perl5 API: >    # Appendix A
          This is intended to make the book a good reference. In addition to
          the calls in the 'perlapi' manpage, this reference will also detail
          other useful calls that have remained standard over the past 4-5
          major releases. Each call will have a usage example, along with a
          version compatibility indicator(s). The appendix will begin by
          grouping the calls by category.
      - Inline::C Pitfalls: >
          Common trips and traps that plague Perl programmers who are using 
          C for the first time.
      - Global Symbols: >
          Perl has a polluted namespace. This can cause hard to solve
          problems when programmers use clashing symbols. This section would
          list the symbols to avoid.
      - C++/Java extras: >
          If Neil or Patrick (or anyone else) knows something that should go
          here, speak up.
    - Index

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