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Re: Bad Perl!

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Sherm Pendley
May 10, 2003 20:57
Re: Bad Perl!
Message ID:
On Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 01:50 PM, Michael Taylor wrote:

>'s source code and your package distribution of the perl 5.8.0 
> package may cause problems with Mac OS X applications such as command 
> line CPAN, Fink, among others.

> The solution for me

With all due respect, the best solution is pre-emptive: Delve into the 
Perl documentation until you're thoroughly familiar with Perl's 
directory layout and the effects of the PERL5LIB variable. Then, plan 
your installation before entering a single shell command. Installing 
Perl is *not* a simple task, and trying to proceed as if it is (or 
should be) quite often results in problems such as you describe.

In a nutshell, the problem is this:

Fink installs its modules into /sw/lib/perl5, and adds that to Perl's 
module search path by setting the PERL5LIB environment variable. The 
modules installed there are primarily XS modules compiled against Perl 
5.6, and they are not compatible with other versions of Perl. But, the 
path specified in PERL5LIB is searched before any others, so any modules 
installed there take precedence over modules installed in the standard 

In other words, if you want to use 5.8, do *not* install any of the 
pre-built modules available through Fink - they don't work with 5.8.

There is a similar problem with Apple's instructions:

Many people follow these instructions and choose to install 5.8 in 
/Library/Perl, thinking that this will allow both 5.6 and 5.8 to 
continue functioning properly - but that's not the case. Perl 5.6 is 
installed in two places - core modules are installed in 
/System/Library/Perl, while optional modules installed later are in 
/Library/Perl. When you install 5.8 into /Library/Perl, these modules 
are not deleted, so 5.8 will attempt to use them; if any of them are XS 
modules, they won't work.

If you want to continue using 5.6 along with 5.8 - for regression 
testing, for example - it gets worse. Any modules that were optional in 
5.6, and thus installed in /Library/Perl, will be overwritten by their 
5.8 counterparts. Because Apple's instructions result in a 5.8 that's 
configured to install all modules, both core and optional, under 
/Library/Perl, this includes not only modules that are optional in both 
5.6 and 5.8, but those that were optional in 5.6 but have been moved 
into the core 5.8 distribution.

To be fair, Apple's documentation does state that, at the time they were 
first written and published, they were only tested on a "clean" system 
with no optional modules installed. However, many people have attempted 
to follow their instructions and encountered problems, and the issue has 
been discussed here quite often. One would think that they'd update 
their docs appropriately.

Also in the sake of fairness, the instructions are otherwise quite good, 
and address a common localization problem found by many. The only 
problem I've found with them is the suggested installation location - I 
recommend using /opt, /opt/local, or some other out-of-the-way location 
instead of either /usr or /usr/local.

> I installed Fink on the first drive and installed the latest version of 

When you installed the newer Storable, did you make use of the UNINST 
option? The issue of replacing a core module - i.e. one that's included 
with Perl - with a newer version of the same module from CPAN is well 
documented, and using "make install UNINST=1" is the traditional means 
of doing so. It causes the 'make install' step to delete the older 
version from the core modules directory while installing the newer 
version in the optional modules directory.

>  I used Path Finder from to track down the older 
> perl modules:

Please don't take this the wrong way, as I don't mean it to be demeaning 
or insulting. The fact that you need a GUI app to find a file, rather 
than simply using the standard 'locate' command-line tool, shows that 
you are probably relatively inexperienced with the UNIX environment. 
There is also the fact that Perl is not likely to have been the primary 
focus of a medical education.

With that being the case, I think you should reconsider your assertion 
that the Perl distributions you've tried to use are badly configured. 
You should consider instead the possibility that you were inadequately 
prepared for the task you attempted, and because of that made mistakes. 
This is not, by any stretch, a Bad Thing - unlike in medicine, mistakes 
here are generally non-fatal. I have no idea how many Perl installations 
I've botched over the years before I learned to get it right. Making 
mistakes and correcting them is a necessary part of the learning process.


"I have no special gift, I am only passionately curious." - Albert 

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