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MM and filename case (was Re: MakeMaker alpha... so, any problems?)

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Craig A. Berry
June 3, 2003 20:52
MM and filename case (was Re: MakeMaker alpha... so, any problems?)
Message ID:
At 4:51 PM +1000 6/3/03, Stas Bekman wrote:
>Michael G Schwern wrote:
>>>And there are the wish-list items of having and
>>> be case blind when retrieving filenames from the file
>>>system but still being able to match those filenames to mixed-case
>>>package names.

>FWIW, we have been working on Apache::test/Apache::Test collision on case-insensitive filesystems, so the following code may be helpful as it's tested to read in the real case of the file.

Thanks for the suggestion.  If I read your code right (dubious with
as little sleep as I've had), you assume the "real case of the file"
is something that you can always get from the file system, regardless
of whether the file system is case sensitive or not.  Case
sensitivity *could* be an issue on very recent versions of VMS if it
were explicitly enabled, but for the moment I'm only concerned about
case *preservation*, which is by no means guaranteed.  Depending on the
OS version and the settings of various knobs and switches on the CRT,
the shell, and the archive utility or other file creation mechanism,
filename case may or may not be preserved.  You can really only trust
the manifest for the case-preserved names of what you've got.

Michael at one point suggested to me a tied hash.  If that means what
I think it means, it would do a lookup on '' and then, if that
lookup failed, try ''.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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