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Re: Web applications and P5EE

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Greg McCarroll
October 25, 2001 04:44
Re: Web applications and P5EE
Message ID:
* Robin Berjon ( wrote:
> On Thursday 25 October 2001 12:26, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Paul Kulchenko wrote:

If people will humour me for a few minutes, I'd like to go through
this list and try and describe what I envision every
Component/Service/Standard Class would `look' like. I expect there may
be some differences of opinions, thats why i'm doing this, so please
shout and scream at my definitions.

Ok here goes ......

> > > Messaging

Sending a message by unknown transports to some sort of combination,
such as the following

	we might have a persistent process/bean/instance that you want
	to continue talking to
	we may know that a server implements a certain service that we
	want to use, this may then turn into the above, or it could be
	a one time reply/response (with the response being to the
	originating S.C.I)
     Class (somewhere on the ``net'')
	we just want a class to do something for us and get a
	response, we don't care where the server is

> > > Authentication/Identification

     Upon supplying a user id token, a variet of authentication
     mechanisms can occur, the simplest being a single operations
     where you provide the service with a user id + password and get
     back some form of authentication token, signed or similar by the

> > > Sessions

    the session object can do temporary storage from one session to
    another, in a scratch pad style, there needs to be some sort of
    load_by cookie/session id that loads this temporarily persistent

> > > Webservices

     This is may be just SOAP based services, it may be some sort of
     screen scraper component, i really am not sure.

> > > Security

     Security is probably a foundation system that allows various
     other services/components to validate that an authenticated
     user/process has appropriate rights to carry out interoperation
     with this service/component/thing

     (i like the word authorization better)

> > > Database Access

     DBI / `OO' DBI

> > > Auditing/Logging

     Some sort of generic interface to syslogd, files, win32's event log

> > > Exception and Error tracking

     This is probably just a foundation standard that isn't visibile
     at ``enterprise'' level, but is used internally in enterprise
     style modules, so that they all output errors in a common fashion.

> > > Workflow Management

     Definition of workflows in some sort of graph format, presenting
     choices of next operations depending on workflow task results.

> > > Configuration

     Similar to Auditing/Logging, a generic system where you can extra
     information from Ini files/windows registry/SOAP based central
     configuration management systems

> > > Internationalization
     Not sure about this one. 

> > > Transactions

     sessions within sessions, which have consequences if they are
     committed, potentially very tricky     
> > > Directory

     this could mean one of two things, it could be a layer above
     authentication/identity, for lookup of people/things/whatever it
     could also be structured storage beneath that person/thing so
     that you can extract identity information e.g. their address

     i see the second being an interesting remote storage foundation

> > > Testing

     This is really a quality control issue of P5EE, it is probably
     tied into CPANTS

> > > Deployment

     NAPC style stuff and next generation

> > > Documentation

     =pod ? and conventions for enterprise bean/component
     documentation standards, maybe an =isa setting?

> >   XML

     See JAXP

I'll also add my own one

      Object Persistence

      storing objects to somewhere/something, that can later be
      retrieved by some sort of ID

> Definitely. In fact, I think that some frameworks will be more foundation 
> packages, on top of which others will build. Those probably need to happen 
> first.

I think the above list is far too long for an initial project, we need
to shorten it, but we don't want to implement just foundation things
in the first run. The higher level frameworks will generate
requirements for the foundation frameworks, this is a good thing.

So we need a nice set of foundation and interesting higher level ones
in the first generation of P5EE.


Greg McCarroll                       

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