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RFC 357 (v2) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

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October 3, 2000 23:26
RFC 357 (v2) Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD
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=head1 TITLE

Perl should use XML for documentation instead of POD

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Frank Tobin <>
  Date: 30 Sep 2000
  Last Modified: 3 Oct 2000
  Mailing List:
  Number: 357
  Version: 2
  Status: Frozen


Perl documentation should move to using XML as the formatting language,
instead of using POD.  XML has many advantages over POD, and would
address several problems POD is reaching as it expands beyond its
original designs.


A lot of good, heated discussion was generated on the mailing lists. The
majority seems against using XML-DTD documentation, but granted there are
deficiencies in POD.  Translating between XML and POD seemed popular.
Elsewise, no really new topics were covered that the RFC doesn't address,
just refined and re-hashed and such, so I'll let this RFC stand as-is.


POD, described in L<perlpod>, is currently the de-facto language
for Perl-related documentation.  It is a simple language, with simple tags.
According to L<perlpod/"The Intent">, simplicity was
behind the intended design of POD.  There exist several tools to convert
POD into HTML, manpages, text, and other languages.

However, POD can be confusing to learn, and has many limitations.
XML, on the other hand, is a document language that is designed
for high extensibility, and little ambiguity.  XML is flexible,
relying on Document Type Definitions, DTD's,
(recently, also XML Schemas), which define
the document structure being used by the author.
For example, a copy of the DTD for XHTML may be found at
Knowledge of how to write or work with DTD's is not necessary for
an XML-author; the author need only know the effect of the
DTD or XML Schema.

In the following few sections I will try to compare various
aspects of POD versus XML.

=head2 Syntax

POD's in-line tags use the general form C<tagE<lt>bodyE<gt>>, while
Primarily, XML uses balanced tags, e.g.,
C<E<lt>tagE<gt>bodyE<lt>/tagE<gt>>.  POD's in-line tags tend to
be single-letters, and this can be thought of an argument
for the readability of POD in it's un-rendered form, but
an XML DTD for Perl documentation could also define
single-letter tags to minimize this.

POD's tagging, althrough simple, can produce confusing code.
For example, to render the following (C<tagE<lt>bodyE<gt>>)
I need to have (CE<lt>tagEE<lt>ltE<gt>bodyEE<lt>gtE<gt>E<gt>),
which is horrendous in its own (look at the source to this document).
It is especially hard to understand, since one would expect
C<bodyE> to be an inseparable string; yet, reading, one needs
to use look-ahead to see what is following the E.

XML, on the other hand, uses & as the escaping mechanism, helping
a reader sort-out deeply-nested escapings.

=head2 Use of Tags and Rendering

Several of POD's tags do not necessarily relate to the meaning
of the text, but how the text is rendered.  For instance,
C<IE<lt>textE<gt>> is used to italicize text, not give meaning,
although L<perlpod> mentions that this should be used for emphasis
or variables.

This sort of style in having tags say how something
should be rendered is something XHTML and friends have tried
to get away from, instead having the presentation of the document
separate from the structuring/tagging of it.
XHTML and XML user-agents use stylesheets to render documents separately
from the document itself; this allows the developer to merely
give I<meaning> to the document, instead of deciding how it will
be rendered; the choice of how to render is left to the user, with
the use of a stylesheet.

The use of using tags solely to give meaning also helps accessibility
problems for the visually-impaired; for example, having
bold text (e.g., BE<lt>foobarE<gt>) is not quite as meaningful
as strongly-emphasized text (e.g, E<lt>strongE<gt>Using meaning
makes things accessible!E<lt>/strongE<gt>).

The use of stylesheets along with XML allows
documents to be rendered very well in a variety of
circumstances, such as manpages, a continuous-display browser
(e.g., web-browser), and in printed form.

=head2 Whitespace

This can be confusing for many, as whitespace in most languages
does not have functionality.  However, in POD, lines beginning
with a whitespace character are treated as pre-formatted text.
This has already caused an RFC to take effect, RFC 216.

XML, on the other hand, uses properties to determine the
whitespace handling between different types of tags; for example,
a tag in a Perl XML DTD tag such as E<lt>perlE<gt> could be used to
surround pre-formatted Perl code.

=head2 Learning Curve

Who knows what languages people will base their knowledge off
of in 2 years?  Noone really does, but HTML-style, balanced-tag
languages are a good guess though, given the web's popularity, and
easy-to-grasp notion of having balanced-tags.  On the other hand,
POD will be Yet Another Language to learn, distinct from other typing systems
the user will know.  While this may not seem
like a problem since POD is designed to just be a simple
language, will likely become more complicated in the future
(see L<"Extensibility">).

=head2 Author Effort

POD has the advantage in that it has syntax that is quick and easy
to type, such as CE<lt>$var++E<gt> instead of an XML/XHTML

However, author effort pays off immensely on the reader's end.
By using a structured, widely-supported language such as XML,
the reader is able to render the document using a rich set
of tools such as Style Sheets.  Just as producing quality
code generally requires effort, for different reasons,
producing quality, valuable documentation also requires effort.

=head2 Support

There exist many tools to handle XML documents, and
given the popularity of XML, there will likely
be many useful applications which handle XML in new and innovative
means in the future, furthering the usefulness of any XML documentation.
On the other hand, POD appears bound to Perl, and while
translators exist, the documentation is not nearly as
powerful as it could be if were XML.

=head2 Extensibility

POD has grown over the years, supporting more and more features.
This has caused strange syntaxes to develop, such as
E<lt>foo/barE<gt> differing from E<lt>foo/"bar"E<gt>.

XML designed specifically for extensibility; in fact, XHTML by
itself largely surpasses POD in terms of functionality.
One can expect more problems to arise as more features
are added to POD, likening it possibly to the beginnings of
HTML, which in time has turned into XHTML, an XML DTD.

XML also supports many features such as embedded elements,
which are not well-defined in POD, and may wish to become more prominent
in documentation in the future.


POD has a good advantage in that it's design allows for it to
embed well into code.  If documentation is to be alongside
code, a direction to consider is to have the Perl
program be an XML document itself, with the code inside of it,
between designated tags.  This would allow for the entire
Perl program/document to be rendered in a unified manner, using
one tool, and conforming to one meta-language, XML.


POD has been fine up to now, as it is a quick-and-dirty
documentation system.  However, as Perl matures, its
documentation system needs to also, as it is outgrowing
it's original design.

XML is mature in the sense that it is the culmination of years
of experience of what to do and not do with documentation systems
(e.g., older versions of HTML (presentation-oriented), and SGML
(too complicated)).  Using XML will solve a lot of future problems,
and make documentation much more valuable.



RFC 216: POD should tolerate white space.

RFC 280: Teak POD's CE<lt>E<gt>

RFC 306: User-definable POD handling Perl Programming lists via nntp and http.
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