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Parrot long-term goals/prospects

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Dan Sugalski
September 5, 2002 04:03
Parrot long-term goals/prospects
Message ID:
I really hadn't planned on going into this now, but the issue's been 
raised enough that it can't be left to later. Here's the current set 
of long-term goals for Parrot:

1) We *will* run Perl 6, Perl 5, Ruby, Python, JVM bytecode, and .NET 
bytecode. Not necessarily in that order

2) list at some point transitions to being 
for perl 6 development

3) Parrot development moves to

4) The *only* tools you will need to build parrot are a C compiler 
environment and either a make tool or a shell

5) Build environment bits may be in any language that the current 
maintainer is comfortable with as long as the language they're 
written in is available at the point in the build they are needed

6) Perl 6 is hosted on Parrot, and Larry gets no more special 
treatment than any other language designer of a language hosted on 
parrot does.

7) POD will remain our documentation format, unless/until someone 
comes up with something equally easy to read and write without any 
tools. We can mutate it to our needs, and if so we'll give it a new 

8) Forth and Scheme may well be maintained specifically for whiny 
language bigots

9) The perl-specific bits of Parrot will get isolated into a perl 
directory and treated as add-ons

What does this mean? Well, here are the footnotes.

#1: means that we're looking to be multi-language. Really.

#2 & #3 will make things tricky for google, history, and whatnot. We can deal.

#4: The current reliance on Perl will remain until parrot's 
sufficiently self-hosted that we don't need an external perl 
environment. We will *not* add any other add-ons, though we may be 
forced by ICU to add C++ to the list.

#5: It's perfectly acceptable to ship bytecode-compiled programs the 
build uses that are generated from languages that aren't yet built. 
(So part of the build could be done with bytecode programs generated 
from, say, Ruby or Python, that Parrot executes even if Ruby or 
Python hasn't been built yet. Or at all, if it's a minimal Parrot 

#6: This doesn't mean Larry's privs are restricted. Far from it. It 
means that other people can ask for the same sort of stuff, assuming 
Parrot is well and truly a primary target. This includes Guido, Matz, 
or anyone with their own custom language. (We reserve the right to 
tell everyone "no" on core engine changes however)

#7: There's nothing fundamentally wrong with POD. It's simple and 
easy and, while limited, requires little effort to write. (The first 

#8: No, not for whiny Forth and Scheme bigots. For whiny language 
bigots of other languages. Start spouting off about how X is clearly 
the superior language and we'll only accept patches from you in 
Forth. Unless X is Forth for you, in which case we'll only take 
Scheme patches.

#9: It's likely that miniperl will be a required build component for 
quite a while, though I'd prefer to not have it so. The core parrot 
engine will *not* require perl being built, though some of the 
default behaviour may be perlish for quite a while. No other language 
is required to accept the core behavior, though.

The time to implement these, however, is *NOT* *NOW*. The benefit for 
tossing over perl for something else (or nothing else, and maintain 
some sort of aloof independence) is non-existant. When the engine is 
fully specified and built then things may (almost undoubtedly will) 
change. Talk of, or actions towards, independence when we don't even 
have objects spec'd out is pretty stupid, though.

So, there you have it. The plans for World Domination.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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