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[not quite an RFC] shared bytecode/optree

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Benjamin Stuhl
October 24, 2000 16:41
[not quite an RFC] shared bytecode/optree
Message ID:
Firstly, by "bytecode" I mean a .pmc and by "optree" I mean
the perl6 VM's internal form that it goes through

It seems to me that one thing that the perl6 bytecode
implementation _should_ do (in the interests of being light
and fast, as well as meshing well with MT) is be
position-independant. What do I mean? That all direct
references to SV*'s or regexes or anything else in the
bytecode _and_ the optree should actually be handles of
some sort. This has several benefits:

1. Bytecode can just be mmap'ed or read in, no playing
around with relocations on loading or games with RVAs
(which can't be used anyway, since variable RVAs vary based
on what's been allocated or freed earlier).

2. (more importantly, IMHO) Bytecode and the optree are
shareable between threads. My primary reason for opposing
to the RFC proposing that modules must be reloaded in each
thread is the immense amount of memory that would be wasted
without bytecode/optree sharing.

3. With a good slab allocator and possibly some mprotect()
calls (and a good OS) bytecode/optree suddenly becomes
_completely_ shared between child processed. No more
needing to restart httpd and mod_perl6 because the mixing
of code and data has doubled the core usage of each

I don't have the background to seriously argue
implementation, but I might suggest a "handle table" of
sorts which defines for each thread and CV which variable
goes with which handle. This sort of ties in with my
(vague) idea that CVs should carry around instructions for
building their scratchpad, rather than the pad itself (IOW,
scratchpads become purely part of the stack frame, rather
than the subroutine's carrier variable). This is all for
the purpose of reducing the required locking around
subroutine calls to nil or almost nil (perhaps one to make
sure that no-one's changed the subroutine out from under us
via eval("*foo = \&bar;"); or the like).

At any rate, I'm just spouting off ideas sparked by various
recent discussions (I probably need a higher blood sugar or
something). It's probably too early to seriously argue
technical merits, but on the other hand, basic VM design
can start before we know the precise grammar.

-- BKS

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