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Re: Stacks, registers, and bytecode. (Oh, my!)

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Larry Wall
June 4, 2001 11:27
Re: Stacks, registers, and bytecode. (Oh, my!)
Message ID:
Dan Sugalski writes:
: Are you speaking of the nodes in regnode.h? I hadn't considered them as 
: regular perl opcodes--I figured they'd stay internal to the regex engine so 
: we could keep it reasonably modular.

I don't think that's a terribly strong argument--one could justify any
number of unfortunate architectural distinctions on the basis of
modularity.  Plus, I'd argue you can still retain modularity of your
code while unifying implementational philosophy.

It seems to me that the main reason for not considering such a
unification is that We've Never Done It That Way Before.  It's as if
regular expressions have always been second-class programs, so they'll
always be second-class programs, world without end, amen, amen.

But there is precedent for turning second-class code into first-class
code.  After all, that's just what we did for ordinary quotes in the
transition from Perl 4 to Perl 5.  Perl 4 had a string interpolation
engine, and it was a royal pain to deal with.

The fact that Perl 5's regex engine is a royal pain to deal with should
be a warning to us.

Much of the pain of dealing with the regex engine in Perl 5 has to do
with allocation of opcodes and temporary values in a non-standard
fashion, and dealing with the resultant non-reentrancy on an ad hoc
basis.  We've already tried that experiment, and it sucks.  I don't
want to see the regex engine get swept back under the complexity carpet
for Perl 6.  It will come back to haunt us if we do:

  "Sure, you can download the object code for this 5 line Perl program
  into your toaster...but you'll also have to download this 5 gigabyte
  regex interpreter before it'll run."

That's a scenario I'd love to avoid.  And if we can manage to store
regex opcodes and state using mechanisms similar to ordinary opcodes,
maybe we'll not fall back into the situation where the regex engine is
understood by only three people, plus or minus four.


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