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Should the op dispatch loop decode?

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Dan Sugalski
June 12, 2001 15:12
Should the op dispatch loop decode?
Message ID:
'Kay, here's a question to ponder. Should the op dispatch loop handle 
argument decoding, or should that be left to the opcode functions?

The upside to the functions handling the decoding is they can special-case 
it. makeref (a hypothetical "make a reference to a PMC" operator), for 
example, would know it always got two arguments and would be hardcoded to 
fetch them.

The downside is that we'd constrain the functions to taking arguments in 
our virtual registers, since we wouldn't have any absolute machine 
addresses to hand to them. (If we did it'd mean that something was already 
doing the decoding)

The upside to the dispatch loop doing the decoding is the opcode functions 
can get called with their parameters like normal 3GL functions, making 
calling them simpler.

The downside to the dispatch loop decoding is speed--we can't special-case 
anything, since we don't know what the cases are, and that means a more 
general decoding scheme, which is pretty much guaranteed to be slower.

At the moment I'm leaning towards the functions doing their own decoding, 
as it seems likely to be faster. (Though we'd be duplicating the decoding 
logic everywhere, and bigger's reasonably bad) Possibly mandating shadow 
functions for each opcode function, where the shadow does the decoding and 
calls the real functions which take real things rather than our registers.

Opinions anyone?


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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