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should vtables be vtables?

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Dave Mitchell
June 13, 2001 04:00
should vtables be vtables?
Message ID:
mad thought for the day:

I was thinking back to the earlier discusions on opcode dispatch,
and the fact that some people thought that a big switch was as good as,
or possibly faster than a dispatch table. Which led me to think...

should we abandon vtables (ie arrays of fn pointers indexed by op),
and just have a single hander function per type which has the op as an arg?

Then each type is free to handle things as it likes - from having its own
private dispatch table, to having a big switch statement, to having just
a single "if (IS_MODIFY_OP(op)) .. else ...." statement for a copy-on-write
wrapper type.

The big problem would be handling the variable number of args, but this
could be solved by passing a singe pointer to a block of args - ie
extending PDD 2's idea of the key array, to include the other args as
well.  This might be a win (easy for lightweight wrapper types like
copy-on-write to pass the same args to the real type below), or a loss
(lots of time wasted marshalling args). One of the main jobs of the
optimiser might end up being to maintain a scrathpad area of the
regiser file for use as by the arg pointer, in such as way that it
needs to be modified as little as possible between opcodes.

I think the biggest advantage to having a single handler function is that
it becomes very easy to create lightweight wrapper types without having
to construct a whopping big vtable each time.

For example:

readonly type:	if its a read op, pass on to underlying type, otherwise carp().
copy-on-write:	if its a write op, call clone(); then pass on to underlying
for $i (@a):	$i might be set to a simple iterator type that passes it's
		args plus the current index to the underlying array object.

But there are probably lots of disadvantages too that simply havent
occured to me...


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