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Re: The internal string API

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David L. Nicol
June 19, 2001 15:48
Re: The internal string API
Message ID:
Dan Sugalski wrote:

> >If the internal string API is a tree instead of a contiguous memory block,
> >the tagging could be done at the node or branch level.
> >
> >Besides, you get nondestructive inserts.
> Yup. The only problem is that it makes the string data significantly more
> complex. I don't think it's a win for raw data. Perhaps for fancier data
> it'd work.

the simplest tree is one node with a raw block in it.  Only when you start
things to it

	substr($A, 27, 3, $B)

and suchlike
does deferring the copying give a win.

Say $A is 35 megabytes long and $B is 23K.  Currently, and in any
string representation that uses raw blocks, we have to do these things:

	copy substr($A,27,3) to return value if needed
	Allocate a new 36M block
	copy substr($A,0,27)
	copy $B
	copy substr($A,30)

	set $A's data pointer to the new block
	free $A's old block

With a tree representation, the assign-to-middle operation becomes:

	Return Value if needed is substr($A,27,3)
	Create a new string-segment-list-node
	Segment 1: substr($A,0,27)
	Segment 2: $B (which might be another tree)
	Segment 3: substr($A,30)
	return $A's old top node to the node pool
	set $A's data pointer to the new top node
	set $B to copy-on-write mode, so future changes to $B do not affect $A

no new allocations!

This kind of thing also allows us to do "live interpolation" in which

	ql" this will $change "

might rewrite to a magic scalar that evaluates the join every time
it is fetched instead of once when it is built.

Mixed-type?  Yes!  You could even have a value that is not a string at all,
hanging off your string tree.

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