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RE: The internal string API

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Dan Sugalski
June 20, 2001 09:50
RE: The internal string API
Message ID:
At 04:23 PM 6/19/2001 -0700, Hong Zhang wrote:

>This is the common approach of complicated text representation,
>the implemetations I have seen includes IBM IText and SGI
>rope. For "rope", each rope is represented by either of a simple
>immutable string, a simple mutable string, a simple immutable
>substring of another rope, or a binary node of other two ropes.
>We can even add user-defined node for things like memory-
>mapped, or #include etc.
>The basic string is just one of the rope type. We can build a
>text package much like SGI rope. I don't think we should make
>the basic string be rope-like, just for complexity and modularity.

I'd agree, but I'm beginning to get comfortable with the idea of complex 
string data as a fundamental property of perl 6. (Though not the base 
string type) I think I'd like to wait for Larry to weigh in with a yea or 
nay, but I'm up for it.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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