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musings: write some perl ops in perl

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Uri Guttman
August 17, 2001 15:02
musings: write some perl ops in perl
Message ID:

i was musing about the parrot last night and came up with an idea. what
about writing some of the perl ops in perl itself (or in hand coded
parrot assembler)? the origin of this, of course, is gnu emacs where
many of the common functions are written in lisp and not c. now i fully
expect most of the parrot ops will be written in c for speed. but some
ops are not known for speed and may be harder to write properly in c
than in perl. in particular the do/require/use ops spend most of their
time doing i/o and calling eval. but they do some other stuff like
searching @INC, updating %INC, etc. all of that can be easily coded in
perl but would be a pain to do in c even with a better internal api. the
slower speed won't matter since much of the work is i/o and eval and
only the side stuff will actually be done with perl ops. the eval op
will be in c (or actually perl will do the parsing).

also parrot and perl will have ops for handling i/o so why have the
internals use a special API to do that. we can write the i/o parts of
those file ops in perl/parrot and simplify the i/o and its api. this is
even more true with the idea of async file i/o in the internals. by
isolating that to ops, it becomes easier to integrate and to support
various platforms. we only have to write async i/o code for a parrot op
api and then let the rest of perl use it.

just another musing,


Uri Guttman  ---------  ----------
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