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Possibility of XS support

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Dave Goehrig
June 25, 2002 06:47
Possibility of XS support
Message ID:

Last night I wanted to see just how much of the API very vanilla
XS code would require.  In the limited sampling I did, I found
37 distinct functions and macros.  Based on this, I'd say a reasonable
guestimate for minimal core functionality is about 50 distinct functions.

Best guesses would place reasonably featured XS support at somewhere 
like a mixture 150-250 function calls and macros, where reasonably 
featured implies some minimal amount of work to get the wierdest 
XS modules working. (which would be expected with any serious internals

Porting 50 functions doesn't seem that unreasonable to save thousands
of hours of work.  I'd be willing to take the initial stab at it
unless someone else is more motivated. 

	David J. Goehrig			

All reports, excluding those of historical fact, may be considered speculative.
	- a faceless Compaq disclaimer

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