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Opcode documentation

Eric Kidder
June 29, 2002 06:21
Opcode documentation
Message ID:
First, a quick introduction:
I'm Eric.  At YAPC, I asked Dan what I can do to help out Parrot and this
is what he pointed me at.

I've compiled a list of all of the opcodes (as listed in the *.ops files)
that are not documented in docs/pdds/pdd06_pasm.pod.  In addition, because
of some possible weirdness I noticed, I've also compiled a list of the
opcodes which are in pdd06 but are not implemented in any of the *.ops.

Without further ado:
# parrot/core.ops (53/133 documented)
abs	and	band	bnot	bor	bounds	bxor	call	callcc
callco	callnative	capturecc	chopn	cleari	clearn	clearp
clears	close	cmod	collectoff	collecton	debug	depth
end	enternative	eq	err	find_type	ge	gt
index	intdepth	intrestore	intsave	le	loadext	loadlib
lt	mod	ne	neg	noop	not	or	ord	pack
popi	popn	popp	pops	print	profile	pushi	pushn	pushp
pushs	readline	restore	restoreall	rotate_up	save
saveall	savec	set_addr	set_keyed	set_keyed_integer
shl	shr	sleep	stringinfo	substr	sweepoff	sweepon
time	trace	unless	warningsoff	warningson	xor	yield

# parrot/debug.ops (0/4 documented)
debug_break	debug_init	debug_load	debug_print

# parrot/io.ops (3/8 documented)
close	fdopen	print	printerr	puts

# parrot/math.ops (0/3 documented)
fact	gcd	lcm

# parrot/obscure.ops (0/4 documented)
covers	exsec	hav	vers

# parrot/rx.ops (0/32 documented)
rx_advance	rx_allocinfo	rx_backwards	rx_clearinfo
rx_cloneinfo	rx_compile	rx_dot	rx_endgroup
rx_fail		rx_forwards	rx_freeinfo	rx_incrindex
rx_info_getgroup	rx_info_getindex	rx_info_getstartindex
rx_info_successful	rx_is_d	rx_is_s	rx_is_w	rx_literal
rx_makebmp	rx_oneof	rx_oneof_bmp	rx_popindex
rx_pushindex	rx_pushmark	rx_setprops	rx_startgroup
rx_succeed	rx_zwa_atbeginning	rx_zwa_atend

Here is a listing of the unimplemented opcodes which are defined in pdd06.
The reason I include them is that there are some opcodes in core.ops which
are closely named to the ones listed below.  For example 'pushn' (from
core.ops) is similar to 'push_n' (from pdd06_pasm).

atan2	call_method	callout	can	chop_key	clear_eh
clone_key	fetch_global	fetch_lex	find_attribute
find_global_slot	find_global_table	find_lex
find_method	find_string_lib	get_op_count	get_string_name
inc_key	isa	ke_type	ke_value	key_size	load_bytecode
load_opcode_lib	load_string_lib	lock	log	make_object
new_fh	new_key	newpad	pausecollect	pop_i	pop_n	pop_p
pop_s	push_i	push_i_c	push_n	push_n_c	push_p
push_p_c	push_s	push_s_c	pushunlock	readw
restore_i	restore_n	restore_p	restore_s
resumecollect	rethrow	save_i	save_n	save_p	save_s	set_attribute
set_eh	set_key	set_warp	size_key	status	tell
throw	toss_key	tostring	unlock	unwarp	wait
warp	writew

Finally, for my data collection techniques, I used a script which scans
the *.ops files for:

$op     =~ /^(inline|)\s*op\s+([\w\d_]+)\s*\(/;

which should signify the beginning of the C code for the opcode.
Hopefully.  I then compare that to a list of the opcodes pulled from
pdd06_pasm (done by scanning the =item lines) to see what is where.

If I've made any mistakes or am just deeply confused, please let me know
and I'll make adjustments.

Eric Perl Programming lists via nntp and http.
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