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Continuing the Perl6 Summary "Who's Who" tradition...

July 9, 2002 03:25
Continuing the Perl6 Summary "Who's Who" tradition...
Message ID:
Back when Mr Warnock was doing the Perl 6 summaries, he instituted a
'Perl 6 Profiles' section (or whatever it was called) which profiled a
Perl 6 'name' in every issue. Which was a jolly good idea. So, I'm
instituting something similar for the new summaries, which I'm calling
the /Wh[o|at|e[re|n]|y]\?/ section. Well, it's a working, ugly, title.

And, I'm going to be democratic. I'm posting the list of questions
here. If you contribute to these lists I'd really appreciate your
answering these questions and sending your answers to me at (not the list). And if you've already been done
in the earlier summaries, I'd still appreciate your answers. Larry,
Damian, Dan, this means you.

> Who are you?
> What do you do for/with Perl 6?
> Where are you coming from?
> When do you think Perl 6 will be released? 
> Why are you doing this?
> You have 5 words. Describe yourself.
> Do you have anything to declare?

Next week's profilee is Allison Randal


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