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Adding the system stack to the root set

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Dan Sugalski
July 10, 2002 15:50
Adding the system stack to the root set
Message ID:
Okay, one of the outstanding problems we've had is in adding the 
system stack to the root set. A number of depressingly unpleasant 
solutions have been proposed (most of 'em by me :) but they're all 
hackish and expensive in the common case, which is not needing to GC 

Turns out, though, that with our current scheme we can walk the 
system stack easily enough on platforms with a contiguous stack. So 
that's what we're going to do. The GC'll walk the stack (which 
should, generally speaking, have very little data on it) and mark all 
the PMCs and Buffers for which pointers can be found as live.

Yes, this is an issue for systems with a chunked stack. As far as I 
know that only applies to the various ARM OSes, and for those we'll 
have to have some different system specific code to deal with the 
stack. (Which is fine)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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