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[COMMIT] Major GC Refactoring

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Mike Lambert
July 18, 2002 01:47
[COMMIT] Major GC Refactoring
Message ID:
Last night I committed the GC refactoring I submitted the other day, then
spent a couple hours putting out fires on the tinderbox.

The last thing I attempted was to align my pointer accesses, because Tru64
was giving lots of warnings about
Unaligned access pid=246428 <parrot> va=0x1400b7364 pc=0x12005e408
ra=0x120037228 inst=0xb52c0010

After attempting to solve them for myself unsuccessfully, I went to:
which give instructions on tracking them down. Turns out set_keyed_string,
and plenty of other parrot code, has the same problems I did. I believe
there's a way to turn this off in the compilation, but I'm not sure if we
want to do that.

Finally, it appears that there are still 64-bit issues with the code I
comitted last night, mostly in regards to the GC failing on the more
intensive tests. I will try to look into this tomorrow night, but I'm not
sure how much progress I'll be able to make, since I'm quite unfamiliar
with gdb, and 64-bit platforms (and each individually, for that matter. :)

Worst comes to worst, and DrForr needs to make 0.0.7, I can undo the
changes to get the tests passing on all platforms, again. And then try it
with JUST the stackwalking code to avoid neonate problems.

Mike Lambert

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