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Teasing notes

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Dan Sugalski
September 5, 2002 13:21
Teasing notes
Message ID:
Since I'm about to go heads-down, as a deadline jumped a week closer 
(to yesterday)

*) I think we may have to have separate vtable operations for hyperoperators
*) Calling conventions are changing *again*. Adding the type of the 
return value, and the calling frame
*) We're switching from a tree-like stack to full activation frames. 
Since we're almost there as it is, this shouldn't be a big deal. And 
it'll make "chop to three entries" stack ops actually correct, as 
they'll be frame ops
*) We'll be returning frames from subs too, potentially, which is a 
good solution to the problem of coroutines returning overflow on the 
stack, which they currently can't do right.
*) I think I've finally given in, and vtables will be hierarchical 
for some of the less-used operations. Like the transcendental math 
ops, which I think we're going to need to have overloadable

Sorry 'bout the brevity. I'll be back next week some time, depending 
on the perl 6 conference thingie.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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