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David Grove
May 2, 2001 08:34
Message ID:
I've been recently looking over the specification for C# and the .NET
platform (and falling for very little of the verbage: almost every line of
the first chapter of book I'm reading contains at least one oxymoron), and
am seeing some similarities between some of the proposed goals of Perl 6 and
the .NET platform. The "one IL fits all languages" type of thing,
distributed objects, and many things in .NET have been discussed similarly

Larry, et. al.: Is this similarity on purpose? If so, we'll be stopping
short of insanity and complete oxymoronity, right? By the sound of it, by
the time we're done with Perl 6, we'll have a major competitor to the .NET
platform itself, even more so than Java is a competitor. Or are we thinking
of a merge? Or are we thinking on a totally separate line that just has a
few similarities?

Everyone else: Comments?

David T. Grove

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