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Re: what's new

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Damian Conway
June 22, 2002 09:13
Re: what's new
Message ID: wrote:

[Summary of some of the new Perl 6 constructs]

I have answered your questions and made a few comments. 
Apart from these what you wrote is accurate.



> my $x is foo = 0;
> Now $ is equal to 1 (isnt it?), but $x is 0. In fact $ is interpreted as method call i.e. $
> If there is no method with name foo() then such method is pretended to exist and it returns the value of property with that name.

All correct.

> $x.btw
> will return hash-ref to properties hash i.e. pHash-ref.

It won't be called C<.btw> though. Probably C<.prop> instead.

> So that :
> print keys %{$x.btw}

  print keys %{$x.prop}

In Perl 6 you can also just say:

	print keys $x.prop

since the hash ref returned by C<.prop> will be automatically dereferenced by the hash context of C<keys>.

> (What "btw" mean --> "By the way" ?)

Yes. Which is too cute. So we've changed that.

> Then what about this :
>   @a ^&& @b

Produces a list of  (@a[0] && @b[0], @a[1] && @b[1] ...)

>   @a ^|| @b

Produces a list of (@a[0] || @b[0], @a[1] || @b[1] ...)

> In addition to the standard assignment operator of perl5 "=" we will also have ":=" i.e. bind operator.
> <snip - apo3>
> If you're familiar with Prolog, you can think of it as a sort of unification operator (though without the implicit backtracking semantics). In human terms, it treats the left side as a set of formal arguments exactly as if they were in the declaration of a function, and binds a set of arguments on the right hand side as though they were being passed to a function. This is what the new := operator does.
> </snip>

Another way of thinking of it is that:

	$x := $y

makes $x another name for the variable currently known as $y.

> %x := @ary[0]{keylevel1}{keylevel2};
> print %x{keylevel3};
> ? Is this correct ?


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