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Re: Coroutines

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Luke Palmer
May 22, 2003 18:19
Re: Coroutines
Message ID:
Damian wrotes:
> Didn't we already have this discussion six months ago???
> The conclusion of which seemed to be:
> However, on revisiting it, I think I have an even simpler, best-of-both-worlds 
> solution that's also more in line with A6...
> ==============================================================================
> A coroutine is declared with the C<coro> declarator:
>      coro fibs (?$a = 0, ?$b = 1) {
>          loop {
>              yield $b;
>              ($a, $b) = ($b, $a+$b);
>          }
>      }
> and is allowed to have zero or more C<yield> statements inside it.
> A coroutine is an object of type C<Coro> (just as a subroutine is an object of 
> type C<Sub>). C<Coro> objects have the following methods:
>      next()                 # resumes coroutine body until next C<yield>
>      next_args(PARAM_LIST)  # resumes coroutine body until next C<yield>,
>                             # rebinds params to the args passed to
>                             # C<next_args>.
>                             # PARAM_LIST is the same as the parameter list
>                             # of the coroutine itself
>      each()                 # returns a lazy array, each element of which
>                             # is computed on demand by the appropriate
>                             # number of resumptions of the coroutine body
> A C<Coro> object is therefore a type of iterator.
> Calling a coroutine using the normal subroutine call syntax is the same as 
> calling the C<next> or C<next_args> method on it:
>      $next = fibs();           # same as: $next = &
>      $next = fibs(10,11);      # same as: $next = &fibs.next_args(10,11)
>      while ($next = fibs()) {
>          if ($next < 0) {
>              fibs() for 1..2;  # skip the next two values
>          }
>      }
> To create multiple independent coroutine interators using a single coroutine 
> definition, one can simply use an *anonymous* coroutine:
>      sub fibs_iter (?$a = 0, ?$b = 1){
>          return coro (?$x = $a, ?$y = $b) {
>              loop {
>                  yield $b;
>                  ($a, $b) = ($b, $a+$b);
>              }
>          }
>      }
>      # and later...
>      $iter = fibs_iter(7,11);
>      while ($next = $ {
>          if ($next < 0) {
>              $ for 1..2;    # skip the next two values...
>              $iter = fibs_iter(11,7);  # and change iterator
>          }
>      }
> Additionally, class C<Coro> would have a C<clone> method:
>      $iter1 = &fibs.clone;
>      $iter2 = &fibs.clone;
> which would return a reference to a new anonymous C<Coro> with the same 
> implementation as (but distinct state from) the original C<Coro>.


> Either way, for iteration that implies:
>      <$fh>           # Call $     # IO objects are iterators too
>      <$iter>         # Call $
>      coro()          # Call &
>      <&coro>         # Call &
>      <coro()>        # Call .next() on iterator returned by call to coro()
> Whilst, in a list context:
>      <$fh>           # Call $fh.each()
>      <$iter>         # Call $iter.each()
>      coro()          # Call &coro.each()

Er, what if it wanted to yield a list?

>      <&coro>         # Call &coro.each()
>      <coro()>        # Call .each() on iterator returned by call to coro()
> So then:
>      for <$fh> {...}    # Build and then iterate a lazy array (the elements
>                         # of which call back to the filehandle's input
>                         # retrieval coroutine)
>      for <$iter> {...}  # Build and then iterate a lazy array (the elements
>                         # of which call back to the iterator's coroutine)
>      for coro() {...}   # Build and then iterate a lazy array (the elements
>                         # of which call back to the C<&coro> coroutine)
>      for <&coro> {...}  # Build and then iterate a lazy array (the elements
>                         # of which call back to the C<&coro> coroutine)
>      for <coro()> {...} # Call coro(), then build and iterate a lazy
>                         # array (the elements of which call back to the
>                         # iterator returned by the call to C<coro()>)
> ==============================================================================
> This approach preserves the simple (and I suspect commonest) use of "monadic" 
> coroutines, but still allows a single coroutine to produce multiple iterators.
> It also minimizes additional syntax and semantics.

I like most of it.  There's one problem: recursion.

    coro count($n) {
        count($n - 1) if $n > 0;
        yield $n;

The call to count() inside count() would either start a new coroutine,
or continue the old one -- neither of which are the desired behavior.
What you want in this case is just to call the sub as usual.  This can
be remedied like this:

    sub _count_impl($n) {
        _count_impl($n - 1) if $n > 0;
        yield $n;

    coro count($n) {

But that seems like an awful lot of work for something this common.

    coro count($n) {
        (sub { _($n - 1) if $n > 0;  yield $n }).($n);

Cool, but, eew.

I'm not sure how to solve the recursion problem while appeasing those
who want implicit iteration.

Another detail:  is implicit iteration scoped or global?


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